Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Registration Caps & Waitlisted Registrants

You can now set capacity on your events by letting us know the total number of registrants you'd like to set. The feature is fee-based, so if you need to limit a specific class or fleet (Opti-Green for example), it will need to have a separate entry fee.

When the capacity is reached for that class, the entrant will no be given the opportunity to pay, but will be able to register and will show on the entrant list as "Waitlisted" both in the "Edit Entrants" console

and the list of entrants:

If you have someone drop out, simply email the waitlisted registrant the registration link for them to edit their registration. When they click the blue edit button, they'll be able to complete the payment process and the waitlist is re-initiated.

To set up waitlists for your event, simply mail the capacity for the class or event to

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