Friday, April 25, 2014

Introducing free 3D Regatta Replays from RaceQs.

Regatta Network is proud to introduce raceQs, a free phone app that creates 3D regatta replays. 
The sailing app from raceQs is a free phone app that turns a smart phone into a GPS tracker.  The app records detailed information about your race and automatically creates a 3D Regatta Replay animation. replays are a great way to improve sailing performance or simply to enjoy the race again. The setup process is really simple, for both you and your sailors. All your sailors will need is a smart phone, and the FREE raceQs app for iPhone and Android.
After running raceQs' app during the race, sailors can watch a 3D replay of  the entire fleet, online.  The replays are based in Google Earth, so permanent marks, city front, and landmarks are all visible alongside the animated sailboat fleet.  Many clubs have had great fun playing the replay on a large TV at the awards party, adding a whole new dimension to the tactical discussions and post-race protest negotiations. 
For more information visit

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