Several clubs have asked about integrating YB Tracking with
Regatta Network for their distance races.
Over the past year, we have worked with several YB Tracking events to
develop user friendly integration with Regatta Network. This integration relieves the scoring team on
overnight distance races from the tedium of watching an often vacant finish
line waiting for a boat to finish.
How it Works
Basically, YB Tracking adds the Regatta Network server to the data stream that they use for their mapping program. Our server “listens” to the YB data stream for each of their trackers to cross a specified “finish fence” and records that finish time into Regatta Network scoring. If you need to edit a finisher to add a motoring or other penalty, you can "pause" the finishes while you complete your edits, and then restart and score the boats that finished during this process.
The first step is to let us know that you would like to integrate YB Tracking for your event. We will co-ordinate with YB Tracking to have them add RN to their data stream.
You will also need to add YB Tracking serial numbers to entrants. We’ve added a field to the Edit Event Entries console for the YB Tracker SN, when you receive your trackers from YB, you can assign the tracker serial number to each entrant.
To assist in this process, we’ve also added YB Tracker SN as an option to the Show/hide columns tool so you can quickly determine if a competitor is missing a tracker number.
And send you a complete tutorial on the integration process and add the YB tracking dashboard to your event.