- Upload the document as a PDF, JPEG, or GIF file
- View the newly uploaded document
- Copy the URL for the document and
- Paste it into the Event Information console
This multi step process confused a lot of users, so we have recently taken steps to streamline the process. Now when you upload a document, you can choose from the standard document types for uploaded documents, and the system will automatically copy the URL into the appropriate field for the document selected.
One of the frequent questions we receive is, "Why can't I upload MS Word documents directly to the site.? The answer is simple: There are a number of know virus' that can be carried in MS Word macros, and to avoid the security risk to you and your entrants, we decided to block .doc or .docx uploads.
Of course any word document can be converted to a pdf for free online at adobe.com or with a free program called Primo pdf (http://www.primopdf.com/) or saved as an web page using the "Save As" option.